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Aug 12 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM

7th Anniversary VIP Party

7th Anniversary VIP Party

Hey Houston!

We're getting older and we don't want to, So we're spending our 7th-anniversary party back in the '90s..and I don't mean the temperature outside. Now is your opportunity to party like the cool kids with our totally awesome VIP party. The doors are opening up 2 hours early just for you and best of all, it's all-inclusive!

VIP Ticket includes:

- 10 AM entry to the party
- Open taps from 10 AM - 11 AM
- Guided Flight Tasting at 11 AM: First opportunity to try all five new Mini Boss variants
- Breakfast Tacos from Tacos a Go Go
- 90's Air Brush T-shirt of your choice (Mini Boss or Eureka Heights Design)
- Mini Boss silly pint cup

Purchase now while supplies last!

CLICK HERE to purchase